IAN Membership

Benefits of Membership:

  • You and your family members have an opportunity to socialize with fellow members of the community, attend exciting events and participate in the various programs organized during these occasions. In addition you will also be able to enjoy the sumptuous Indian cuisine and entertaining shows presented during the events.
  • Your guests are welcome to attend all our functions. A nominal guest fee to cover the expenses may be charged.
  • By being a member you also have the opportunity to serve on the Executive Board and any committee formed for organizing and coordinating the various activities for the purpose of Education, Wellness and Charity. Members shall be eligible to stand for election for any position of the Executive Board.
  • The Executive Board plans to produce a periodic newsletter with updates, scheduled activities and events. Members are entitled to receive the newsletter, to be included in the official mailing list and the member directory and participate in all activities of the Association either free of charge or at a reduced cost. The newsletter will be sent to the e-mail address provided by you.
  • All immediate family members and those living in the same household carrying family membership, regardless of their membership type, may enjoy the benefits of the Association except that of holding office and voting. Immediate family is defined as those that can be claimed as dependents in the IRS tax returns.

Type of Membership:

  • Individual: Any person 18 years or older
  • Family: Married couples and their dependent children

Join the India Association for excited opportunities:

Family Membership: Check Out IAN Family Membership

Individual Membership: Check Out IAN Individual Membership